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sweetbread fiat veritas, pereat vita

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547sweetbreadtobacco, lots of

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434sweetbreadjust be patient. The market is going to go insane in may/june. Its a fluke of good policy that we hit an ATH before the halvening. What it is going to do between now and when it is actually supposed to go up doesn't matter. Just be in a good position with projects that are long term cooking and will be around in 2 months (like BRAH)

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I love you

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361sweetbreadweed is gay, anon

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yeah they have no chill, I watched that too. None the less I think it has a few more news pumps in it

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There will be another/more stories about the trial w/ Musk. I have faith that she will use any limelight to shill and bring value to her shareholders

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good, I hope she becomes even more interesting, I have #egirl bags

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is this the real sarah wukong?

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120sweetbreaddoes this mean we should buy more $egirl? is this alpha

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