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Wash your Rice!


Ok, ok, so, burger king, that name is so bloody complicated, it took me like 3 months of non-stop thought to figure this out. Well, you look at it and you can say pretty confidently, king, that's actually an instantiation of a patriarchal motive being, isn't it? It's like that's the typification of a fatherly figure that exists at the top of all possible dominance hierarchies. I guess that'd be a good way to describe it, and, but, it's not a king per se, when you go to burger king, it's the instantiation of an individual as necessarily being the embodiment of the transcendent ideal of a king. It's a king as such. The typified aspect of kingship as such is inexorably tied up with the word. And what does a typified father figure do? Well he provides, doesn't he? He provides food, and shelter, and burgers. Well yeah, that's bloody well right, he's a king who provides burgers, exactly! You know, you know, when Alexander Solzhenitzyn was in the gulags, he thought about food a lot.

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